MATLAB, model based design
Model-Based Design is founded on eight core concepts: • Executable specification A model that encapsulates design requirements at a specific level of detail. • System-level simulation The practice of simulating a model of the system to investigate system...
Computer, image processing, MATLAB, MATLAB code
function [yi, ypi] = sincdint(x, y, xi, c) % SINCDINT 1-D piecewise discrete sinc interpolation % SINCDINT(X,Y,XI,C) interpolates to find YI, the values of the % underlying function Y at the points in the array XI, using % piecewise discrete sinc interpolation. X and...
MATLAB, Speech Recognition
The Xillybus IP core was implemented on a Virtex-5 FPGA on a Xilinx xupv5lx110t board. The core ports were connected to ChipScope integrated logic analyzer for on-chip testing. Before integrating the Xillybus IP core into the spike-based data reduction platform, its...
MATLAB, Speech Recognition
This chapter details the hardware implementation of the platform design, and how the testing of each building block was performed. The spike detection processing modules were designed using Verilog HDL code. They were simulated using Xilinx® ISim for functional...