Learn the basics of MATLAB
Desktop introduction
Set Path
Compare files
Find files
Import Data
Analyze Code
Simulink introduction
Live Script
Elementary Math
Linear Algebra
Random Number Generation
Data Import and Export
Build and run MATLAB® statements
Format Output
Stop Execution
Continue Long Statements on Multiple Lines
Calling Functions
Find Functions to Use
Check Syntax as You Type
Variable Names
Case and Space Sensitivity
Command vs. Function Syntax
zeros Create array of all zeros
ones Create array of all ones
rand Uniformly distributed random numbers
true Logical 1 (true)
false Logical 0 (false)
eye Identity matrix
diag Create diagonal matrix or get diagonal elements of matrix
blkdiag Block diagonal matrix
cat Concatenate arrays
horzcat Concatenate arrays horizontally
vertcat Concatenate arrays vertically
repelem Repeat copies of array elements
repmat Repeat copies of array
linspace Generate linearly spaced vector
logspace Generate logarithmically spaced vector
freqspace Frequency spacing for frequency response
meshgrid 2-D and 3-D grids
ndgrid Rectangular grid in N-D space
length Length of largest array dimension
size Array size
ndims Number of array dimensions
numel Number of array elements
sort Sort array elements
sortrows Sort rows of matrix or table
flip Flip order of elements
fliplr Flip array left to right
flipud Flip array up to down
rot90 Rotate array 90 degrees
transpose Transpose vector or matrix
ctranspose Complex conjugate transpose
permute Permute array dimensions
ipermute Inverse permute array dimensions
circshift Shift array circularly
shiftdim Shift array dimensions
reshape Reshape array
colon Vector creation, array subscripting, and for-loop iteration
end Terminate block of code or indicate last array index
ind2sub Convert linear indices to subscripts
sub2ind Convert subscripts to linear indices

Numeric Types
Integer and floating-point data

Characters and Strings
Text in character arrays and string arrays

Dates and Time
Arrays of date and time values that can be displayed in different formats

Categorical Arrays
Arrays of qualitative data with values from a finite set of discrete, nonnumeric data

Arrays in tabular form whose named columns can have different types

Time-stamped data in tabular form

Arrays with named fields that can contain data of varying types and sizes

Cell Arrays
Arrays that can contain data of varying types and sizes

Function Handles
Variables that allow you to invoke a function indirectly

Arithmetic Operations
Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, power, rounding

Relational Operations

Value comparisons

Logical Operations

True or false (Boolean) conditions

Set Operations

Unions, intersection, set membership

Bit-Wise Operations

Set, shift, or compare specific bit fields