Computer, data mining, database of image, image processing, Medicine
Indirect Imaging While Golay, Fennimore, and others were leveraging multiplexing to eliminate trade offs in traditional sensors, an entirely disparate group of researchers were working on imaging techniques for which there was no isomorphic analog. In these cases the...
data mining, image processing, Medicine
standardized uptake values (SUV) Positron emission tomography (PET) has become a widely utilized functional imaging modality. The combination of x-ray computed tomography (CT) with PET gives both structural and functional information from a single two part scan as...
data mining, image processing
X-ray Dose measurement In this section we briefly review different definitions, units, and measurement methods of X-ray dose in CT imaging. Dose is a general term used to quantify how much radiation exposure aperson (or other material) has received. Radiation dose...
data mining, image processing
Super-resolution for computed tomography based on discrete tomography In X-ray computed tomography, images are typically reconstructed on a voxel grid. Given that each voxel is represented by a constant grey level, it is typically assumed that the material...