Matlab code for simulating two Hodgkin-Huxley neuron pairs



Section 1 :

This MATLAB code was used to simulate two Hodgkin-Huxley neuron pairs (excitatory or inhibitory) that are synaptically and electrically coupled.

Section 2 :

This Matlab code will take in the spike times and electric connections to make a scatter plot of the neurons’ spike times, with the electrotonically coupled pairs plotted next to each other with a box around them.

Section 3 :

This code takes in the spike times and determines lengths of bursts by setting a time threshold and calculating the number of spikes that occur within the threshold. Then plots a histogram of the lengths of the bursts in the network and the total number of bursts in the network.

Section 4 :

This code is uses the spike times of each neuron to fi nd the spike-triggered average.

Section 5 :

This code is used to find the clock times by finding the times at which the inhibitory AV crosses some threshold.


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