MATLAB Code of thesis (Effective Zone Radius of Sand Compaction Piles In Liquefiable Soils)




Effective Zone Radius of Sand Compaction Piles In Liquefiable Soils

The Sand Compaction Pile (SCP) method is one of the most important and cost-effective techniques of soil improvement in many countries since 1950 to prevent liquefaction and to increase the bearing capacity for different type of soils. The impact loading technique is the first method to compact the sand pile, substituted by the vibrational loading technique and then developed to the most recent method which is the static-rotational loading technique. The affected zone radius of SCP is usually evaluated using the empirical design methods. It should be noted that the empirical methods conventionally consider the improved soil as a whole mass and result in an equivalent soil properties which is a rough estimation of soil behavior. Cavity expansion theory is a robust and useful approach, based on expansion of a cylindrical cavity starting from zero radius in an infinite soil mass which can be extended to the complex design problems such as sand compaction pile by incorporating soil nonlinearity.

In the present study, the results from the finite element based software (Plaxis 2D.V8.2) and the code programming in Matlab 7.1 are attained to properly investigate the affected zone radius of sand compacted piles by accounting the developed cavity expansion theory and soil softening behavior in the plastic zone. The model facilitates the evaluation of volumetric strain, revised elastic modulus, relative density, void ratio and other soil properties at different distances from the pile center due to applied large deformation. At last, the advantages and the limitations of the implemented theory are discussed.

Keywords: liquefaction, Sand compaction pile, Effective zone radius, Cavity expansion theory.

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