PLASMA-ASSISTED COMBUSTION WITH KGMF The study of plasma-assisted combustion (PAC) and plasma-assisted ignition (PAI) is motivated by the goal of optimizing combustion characteristics for novel engine concepts. The generality of this statement lies with the different...


KINETIC GLOBAL MODELING FRAMEWORK In the last few decades, advances in computer architecture and scaling have drastically pushed the boundaries of what can be simulated of known physics. The study of plasma in particular requires the combination of electromagnetics,...

Currently Used Tools for Distribution System Analysis

Currently Used Tools for Distribution System Analysis The status of simulation tools for distribution systems has been continuously evolving, especially in the recent few years. The increased penetration in DG systems on the distribution side has changed the...

History of Community Supervision

History of Probation and Community Corrections Probation and community corrections are just two of the many types of intermediate sanctions that make the field of community supervision. Both probation and community corrections are sentences that are imposed upon a...

History of Digital Forensics

History of Digital Forensics Digital forensics is the science of collecting, maintaining, and recording evidence from digital devices. These devices may include, but is not limited to, computers, mobile phones, cameras, and storage devices (ISFS, 2004). The science of...

History of Computer and Cyber Crime

History of Computer and Cyber Crime We must first begin any discussion involving cyber crime with a definition of what exactly is cybercrime. According to Britz (2009), cybercrime is a term that is used to describe any criminal activity that is perpetrated through or...

Los nuevos institucionalismos

Los nuevos institucionalismos El institucionalismo tradicional o viejo institucionalismo, premiaba a las instituciones como elemento central del análisis y le otorgaba el mayor peso explicativo de los fenómenos políticos; mientras la revolución conductista que inició...

El neoinstitucionalismo

¿Qué son las instituciones y por qué estudiarlas? La reflexión sobre las instituciones, entendidas en su sentido más amplio como un “rasgo estructural y/o la forma de gobierno de un tejido social” (Peters, 1999; Basabe, 2007) no es nueva en las ciencias sociales. A lo...

Lexicons for Low-Resource Languages

Lexicons for Low-Resource Languages For the source language a lexicon is needed which can be referenced for every word in the text that is to be translated. A lexicon gives us a lot of useful information about a word such as its grammatical category or part of speech....

IC Security Deficiency

IC Security Deficiency Absence of law. Attempts at improving cyber legislation have been deficient. The absence of legislation causes issues for CIKR. The lack of production led to an executive order issued by the Obama Administration (Godreau, 2013). In February of...

fuzzy type 2 MATLAB toolbax

MATLAB toolbax for fuzzy type 2 is ready for order You can train fuzzy type 2 based on a novel training algorithm. The noise reduction property of T2FLSs that use a novel type-2 fuzzy membership function (ellipsoidal type-2 membership function) is studied in this...