Reconstruct image from its steerable pyramid representation, in the Fourier domain
PYR is a vector containing the N pyramid subbands, ordered from fine to coarse.
INDICES is an Nx2 matrix containing the sizes of each subband. This is compatible with the MatLab Wavelet toolbox.
LEVS (optional) should be a list of levels to include, or the string ‘all’ (default). 0 corresonds to the residual highpass subband. 1 corresponds to the finest oriented scale.
BANDS (optional) should be a list of bands to include, or the string ‘all’ (default). 1 = vertical, rest proceeding anti-clockwise.
TWIDTH is the width of the transition region of the radial lowpass function, in octaves (default = 1, which gives a raised cosine for the bandpass filters).
A New Alternating Minimization Algorithm for Total Variation Image Reconstruction
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