QoSaware Service Composition based on Genetic Algorithms



reference paper :

Canfora, Gerardo, Massimiliano Di Penta, Raffaele Esposito, and Maria Luisa Villani. “An approach for QoS-aware service composition based on genetic algorithms.” In Proceedings of the 7th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation, pp. 1069-1075. ACM, 2005.

Vanrompay, Yves, Peter Rigole, and Yolande Berbers. “Genetic algorithm-based optimization of service composition and deployment.” In Proceedings of the 3rd international workshop on Services integration in pervasive environments, pp. 13-18. ACM, 2008.

QoSaware Service Composition


Web services are rapidly changing the landscape of software engineering. One of the most interesting challenges introduced by web services is represented by Quality Of Service (QoS){aware composition and late{binding. This allows to bind, at run{time, a service{oriented system with a set of services that, among those providing the required features, meet some non{functional constraints, and optimize criteria such as the overall cost or response time. In other words, QoS{aware composition can be modeled as an optimization problem.
We propose to adopt Genetic Algorithms to this aim. Genetic Algorithms, while being slower than integer programming, represent a more scalable choice, and are more suitable to handle generic QoS attributes. The paper describes our approach and its applicability, advantages and weaknesses, discussing results of some numerical simulations.


Services running on mobile systems must be able to adapt themselves to changing user needs and availability of resources. We propose to use Genetic Algorithms to search for the best service variant in the current context. The chosen service composition is then deployed on a set of available nodes in an optimal way. We illustrate that Genetic Algorithms provide a scalable and self-organizing solution to service composition and deployment. We argue that the approach meets some main requirements demanded by services running on mobile systems. A motivating scenario is presented in which a distributed server allows users to share content and run applications in mobile ad-hoc networks.


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