Java code for sensor web-based structural health monitoring system

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the goal of this research was to test the viability of utilizing a multiagent system in implementing a sensor web-based structural health monitoring system. The technologies reviewed here were researched and tested with the aim of creating such a sensor web.

The architecture discussed, which utilizes a multiagent system for control of a structural health monitoring sensor web, will utilize pre-calibrated classifiers created from machine learning techniques to characterize acoustic emissions into identifiable categories.

This collaborative sensor web will allow for a flexible and robust system that will be able to adapt to both standard and unforeseen events by breaking down tasks, allowing for large tasks to be more efficiently handled. Though this proposed approach of an agent-based structural health monitoring system was primarily for the benefit of the NASA-CAS (National Aeronautics and Space Administration Center for Aviation Safety) at A&T, there are numerous industries and applications that could greatly benefit from a similarly architecture.

The aim of this architecture is to create an autonomous system that takes some of the burden off personnel monitoring the structural integrity of an aircraft. By creating inferences as to the structural health of a system based on the acoustic emissions received from piezoelectric sensors, in essence, the wireless sensor network will act as skin. This will allow the characteristics and locations of acoustic emission sources to be more accurately relayed to controllers in a timely manner because relevant data will be continuously communicated, processed and characterized via agents. In the end, adding this system to the safety processes already in place for monitoring the structural health of airplanes will allow for a much more reliable and safe system.



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1 review for Java code for sensor web-based structural health monitoring system

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    Great project. Just what I wanted.

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