HIL simulator

We can work with Hardware in Loop (HIL) simulators of two companies (dSPACE, Speedgoat).


We can also give consulting services to the companies in the selection of best methods for HIL simulation.

We are familiar with AUTOBOX and SCALEXIO from dSPACE company. 

Introduction to PHS in dSPACE boards

All simulations are done in MATLAB/Simulink and Simulink Real-Time Explorer environment. 

Essentially, the plant consists of the model is designed in MATLAB Simulink. This plant model runs on a dSPACE simulator in which the simulation is processed in real time.

A host PC is used to run ControlDesk instrumentation software so the operator can observe the simulation and interact with it in real-time as it runs. the ControlDesk instrumentation software which facilitates user interaction with the simulation as it is running.