We give a partial list of freeware toolboxes for wavelet signal processing that can retrieved over the Internet :
Embedded Image Compression is a C software for wavelet image compression Amir Said and William Pearlman :


Fraclab is wavelet fractal analysis toolbox developed at INRIA Christophe Canus Paulo Goncalves Bertrand Guiheneuf and Jacques Levy Vehel


Megawave is a collection of command line C subroutines under Unix for wavelet wavelet packet and local cosine processing with sound and image processing applications Jacques Froment :


Rice Wavelet Toolbox is a wavelet Matlab toolbox with or thogonal and biorthogonal transforms and applications to denoising DSP group at Rice university :


Swave is an S tool box with continuous wavelet transforms and windowed Fourier transforms including detection of ridges Rene Car mona WenLiang Hwang and Bruno Torresani:


Time Frequency is a Matlab toolbox for the analysis of non stationary signals with quadratic timefrequency distributions Francois Auger Patrick Flandrin Olivier Lemoine and Paulo Goncalves :


Xwpl , Wplib , Denoise are libraries of subroutines that implement orthogonal signal decompositions in dictionaries of wavelet packet and local cosine bases with applications to noise removal and signal compression wavelet group at Yale University


Wavelet Toolbox in Khoros includes orthogonal and biorthog onal wavelet transforms for multidimensional signals Jonio Cavalcanti and Ramiro Jordon
