WebRTC is a free open source project. It enables real-time communication between browsers without requiring to install any plug-ins. Figure shows the high level architecture of WebRTC. WebRTC has two distinct API layers, a Web API, which exposes real-time communication features to Javascript based applications in the browser, and a Native C++ API, which is used by browser developers to manage the underlying audio, video, and network components. GCC (google congestion control) algorithm is evaluated in an experimental

Figure 2.WebRTC architecture. adapted from
testbed. GCC is part of IETF RTCWebWG proposed standards for transport of real-time ows over Internet and is used in WebRTC, an open source real-time communication protocol for web browsers. GCC performs well without any cross trac. But, friendliness with TCP and fairness with other GCC ows is poor on low bandwidth paths. The friendliness and fairness improves with the increase in the available bandwidth. In the current work, WebRTC is employed for two- way video coaching of caregivers. The performance on different access networks, namely, 4G(LTE), Wi-Fi(802.11n), and wired LAN is measured.
Data Transfer Protocols
FTP is a standard data transfer protocol on the Internet. It has separate control and data channels for exchanging command and data. GridFTP is a high-performance, secure, reliable protocol, optimized for high bandwidth net- works. GridFTP extends the standard FTP protocol by implementing additional features, such as, pipelining, parallelism, concurrent transfers, etc.