Dropcam, a popular cloud based video monitoring solution, continuously streams to the cloud consuming constant bandwidth. It might waste lot of bandwidth if the recorded clip is never viewed. In our solution the recording is local, and the video clip is shared only based on the need. This way, there is no unnecessary wasted bandwidth. At the same time, the user video is stored locally, providing more privacy. Generally the video quality achieved locally is better than what is possible through cloud streaming. Because, the WAN bandwidth uctuation is not present in the local setup. Also, on low upload bandwidth connections (which is very typical in DSL based broadband), the dropcam solution is not feasible, whereas, our solution will work by trickling the clip through slow connection.
InstaGENI rack
GENI, Global Environment for Network Innovation, is a NSF funded international testbed for conducting large-scale networking experiments. It is a federated infrastructure, providing programability at each network layer, and, with programable node cluster at each participating institute. GENI racks are a network of distributed clusters supporting GENI aggregate manager API. Figure 2 to shows the architecture of GENI rack.
InstaGENI rack is a type of GENI rack, which is a lightweight, expandable, and standalone cluster. The InstaGENI rack at KU is part of the national GENI testbed. The InstaGENI rack connections are shown in the figure 3.