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The second input, LIST, must be a character vector of value ''Selected'', ''Installed'', or ''Supported''

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2017 10:23 am
by matlab1
The second input, LIST, must be a character vector of value ''Selected'', ''Installed'', or ''Supported''

두 번째 입력 인수 LIST는 문자형 벡터 값 ''Selected'', ''Installed'', ''Supported'' 중 하나여야 합니다

第二个输入 LIST 必须是值为 ''Selected''、''Installed'' 或 ''Supported'' 的字符矢量

2 番目の入力 LIST は、文字ベクトル ''Selected''、''Installed'' または ''Supported'' でなければなりません