ode example in MATLAB

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ode example in MATLAB

Post by matlab1 »

LabelODE Ordinary Differential Equations
LabelDAE Differential-Algebraic Equations
LabelIDE Implicit Differential Equations
LabelDDE Delay Differential Equations
LabelBVP Boundary Value Problems
LabelPDE Partial Differential Equations
LabelBallode ballode - Simple event location (trajectory of a bouncing ball)
LabelBatonode batonode - ODE with time- and state-dependent mass matrix
LabelBrussode brussode - Stiff large problem (diffusion in a chemical reaction)
LabelBurgersode burgersode - ODE with strongly state-dependent mass matrix
LabelFem1ode fem1ode - Stiff problem with a time-dependent mass matrix
LabelFem2ode fem2ode - Stiff problem with a constant mass matrix
LabelHb1ode hb1ode - Stiff problem solved on a very long interval
LabelKneeode kneeode - The "knee problem" with non-negativity constraints
LabelOrbitode orbitode - Advanced event location (restricted three body problem)
LabelRigidode rigidode - Nonstiff problem (Euler equations of motion)
LabelVdpode vdpode - Stiff problem (van der Pol equation)
LabelAmp1dae amp1dae - Stiff DAE - electrical circuit
LabelHb1daew hb1dae - Stiff DAE from a conservation law
LabelIburgersode iburgersode - Burgers'' equation solved as implicit ODE system
LabelIhb1dae ihb1dae - Stiff implicit DAE from a conservation law
LabelDdex1 ddex1 - DDEs with constant history
LabelDdex2 ddex2 - DDEs with discontinuities
LabelDdex3 ddex3 - DDEs with state-dependent delays
LabelDdex4 ddex4 - Neutral DDE with two delays
LabelDdex5 ddex5 - Neutral DDE of initial value type
LabelEmdenbvp emdenbvp - Emden''s equation - BVP with a singular term
LabelEmdenbvp5c emdenbvp(''bvp5c'') - Emden''s equation solved with BVP5C
LabelFsbvp fsbvp - Falkner-Skan BVP on an infinite interval
LabelFsbvp5C fsbvp(''bvp5c'') - Falkner-Skan BVP solved with BVP5C
LabelMat4bvp mat4bvp - Fourth eigenfunction of Mathieu''s equation
LabelMat4bvp5c mat4bvp(''bvp5c'') - Mathieu''s equation solved with BVP5C
LabelRcbvp rcbvp - Example that compares BVP4C and BVP5C
LabelShockbvp shockbvp - Solution has a shock layer near x = 0
LabelShockbvp5c shockbvp(''bvp5c'') - Shock layer computed with BVP5C
LabelThreebvp threebvp - Three-point boundary value problem
LabelThreebvp5c threebvp(''bvp5c'') - Three-point BVP solved with BVP5C
LabelTwobvp twobvp - Problem that has exactly two solutions
LabelPdex1 pdex1 - One PDE--introductory example
LabelPdex2 pdex2 - One PDE--example with discontinuities
LabelPdex3 pdex3 - One PDE--approximate u(x,t) and Du(x,t)/Dx
LabelPdex4 pdex4 - Two PDEs--introductory example
LabelPdex5 pdex5 - Two PDEs--example of long-time behavior
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