Error in port widths or dimensions. The signal connected to the "Regressors" port of the block must be a vector sign

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Error in port widths or dimensions. The signal connected to the "Regressors" port of the block must be a vector sign

Post by esmatparast »

Error in port widths or dimensions. The signal connected to the "Regressors" port of the block must be a vector signal of size {,number,integer}. Check the signal and the "Number of Parameters" setting in the block dialog.

Error in port widths or dimensions. The signal connected to the "Regressors" port of the block must be a vector signal of size { ,number,integer}. This is because the "Initial Parameter Values" setting in the block dialog has {2,number,integer} elements.

Error in port widths or dimensions. The "Regressors" port of the block expects a 2-dimensional signal, but found a {,number,integer} dimensional signal. Check the signal and the "Input Processing" setting in the block dialog.

Error in port widths or dimensions. The "Regressors" port of the block expects a 2-dimensional signal with {,number,integer} columns, but found { ,number,integer} columns.

Error in port widths or dimensions. The signal connected to the "Inputs" port of the block must be a vector signal of size { ,number,integer}. This is because the estimated model has { ,number,integer} inputs. Check the signal and the number of elements in the "Number of Parameters in B(q) (nb)" setting in the block dialog.

Error in port widths or dimensions. The signal connected to the "Inputs" port of the block must be a vector signal of size { ,number,integer}. This is because the estimated model has { ,number,integer} inputs. Check the signal and the "Initial B(q)" setting in the block dialog.

Error in port widths or dimensions. The signal "A" in the "InitialParameters" input bus port of the block must be a matrix signal of size [1x{
,number,integer}], where the second dimension is number of estimated parameters in A(q) plus one (na+1).

Error in port widths or dimensions. The signal "C" in the "InitialParameters" input bus port of the block must be a matrix signal of size [1x{
,number,integer}], where the second dimension is number of estimated parameters in C(q) plus one (nc+1).

Error in port widths or dimensions. The signal "D" in the "InitialParameters" input bus port of the block must be a matrix signal of size [1x{
,number,integer}], where the second dimension is number of estimated parameters in D(q) plus one (nd+1).

Error in port widths or dimensions. The signal "B" in the "InitialParameters" input bus port of the block must be a matrix signal of size [{
,number,integer}x{ ,number,integer}]. The first dimension is the number of inputs in the estimated model. The second dimension is the maximum of the sum of the "Number of Parameters in B(q) (nb)" and "Input Delay (nk)" settings in the block dialog.

Error in port widths or dimensions. The signal "F" in the "InitialParameters" input bus port of the block must be a matrix signal of size [{
,number,integer}x{ ,number,integer}]. The first dimension is the number of inputs in the estimated model. The second dimension is the maximum of the sum of the "Number of Parameters in F(q) (nf)" setting plus one in the block dialog.

Error in port widths or dimensions. The port of the block expects a scalar signal.

Error in port widths or dimensions. The port of the expects a column vector signal. Check the signal and the "Input Processing" setting on the block dialog.

Error in port sample time. The signal connected to the port of the block must be a discrete-time signal.

Error in port widths or dimensions. The dimensions of the signal connected to the "InitialCovariance" port of the block must be one of the following: scalar, [{ ,number,integer}x1] vector or [{ ,number,integer}x{ ,number,integer}] matrix.

Error in port widths or dimensions. The signal connected to the "InitialParameters" port of the block must be a vector signal of size {
,number,integer}. Check the signal and the "Number of Parameters" setting in the block dialog.

Error in port widths or dimensions. The dimensions of the signal connected to the "InitialCovariance" port of the block must be one of the following: scalar, [{ ,number,integer}x1] vector or [{ ,number,integer}x{ ,number,integer}] matrix. This is based on the "Number of Parameters" setting in the block dialog.

Error in port complexity: The signal connected to the "{ ,number,integer}" port of the block must be real. This port does not accept complex signals.

Error in port sample or offset times. The sample and offset times for the and ports of the block must be equal. Consider inserting a "Rate Transition" block on one of the signals entering these ports.

Error in port sample time. The sample time specified in the block dialog of the block and the sample time of the signal connected to its port must be equal. Consider inserting a "Rate Transition" block on one of these signals.

Error in port sample time. The block must operate at a discrete sample time. Either connect discrete-time signals to the and input ports of the block or explicitly provide a discrete time in the "Sample Time" setting in the block dialog.

Error in data types. The data type of the input port ( ) and the input port ( ) of the block must be the same.

Error in data types. The data type of the and inports of the block must be single or double.

Error in covariance matrix. It is not positive definite.

Error in initial model estimate provided for the block . The vector signal connected to the "InitialParameters" inport must have its first element 1. Its value is ignored and is assumed to be 1.

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