Settings for synchronized stepping between Gazebo and Simulink.\n \nThe block outputs the current status of the Gazebo

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Settings for synchronized stepping between Gazebo and Simulink.\n \nThe block outputs the current status of the Gazebo

Post by esmatparast »

Settings for synchronized stepping between Gazebo and Simulink.\n \nThe block outputs the current status of the Gazebo stepping with uint8(0) indicating successful synchronization. If the simulation times are out of sync, the block outputs uint8(1).\n \nSelect from the Reset behavior drop-down to choose to reset the Gazebo simulator between simulations or only reset the Gazebo simulation time.\n \nSet the Sample time parameter to step the Gazebo simulation at the given rate. This parameter must be a multiple of the maximum step size of the Gazebo solver.\n \nSynchronized stepping is only supported for one Gazebo simulation. Only one pacer block is allowed in all running Simulink simulations.

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